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Cindy and Chuck Yeoman

Profile in Philanthropy

Cindy and Chuck Yeoman

After marrying many years ago, Cindy and Chuck Yeoman began a slow migration north from Bucks County, through Springtown, until they relocated to the Lehigh Valley 23 years ago—living in Williams Township. Now retired, the duo have been active in the community, serving on boards, volunteering on committees, and helping support those organizations near and dear to their hearts through the Yeoman Family Fund.

Both Cindy and Chuck have enjoyed long careers that have enabled them to be philanthropically minded in their retirement years. Cindy worked as a manufacturer’s representative in the cabinet/furniture industry for her family’s business M&M Sales. The company relocated to Easton when the Yeomans moved to the Valley. Over the years, Cindy has served as the company’s controller, office manager, and later part owner until she retired in 2011 to spend more time with her boys.

After attending technical school, Chuck’s career path led him to Campbell Supply Company, a heavy-duty vehicle dealership representing Daimler Trucks of North America that specialized in firefighting and rescue vehicles. Eventually he became a partner and helped grow the company to over 300 people and five locations. in three states. He retired as the VP/COO after 34 years. Profile in Philanthropy | Cindy and Chuck Yeoman “We have not always been in a position to give back to the community financially,” Chuck explained. “When we started our family, we were helped by our family, friends and the community during some difficult times. We have never forgotten that.”

The Yoeman's presenting a big check to ArtsQuest's Cassie Hilgert in support of the Levitt Paviliion.

“Together we worked very hard in our respective careers and have raised a family and put both our boys through college. Now we are able to give back. It is rewarding to see our contributions used to help the young and future artists,” Chuck explained. When the time came to help organizations through their charitable giving in the Lehigh Valley, they visited the Community Foundation. Chuck noted that, “We decided on a fund at the Community Foundation because we plan on supporting local organizations and felt it best to deal with an organization that is place-based in the Lehigh Valley.”

The Yeomans have a special relationship with Levitt Pavilion at SteelStacks where Chuck serves on the Board of Directors as a community volunteer. “We love being involved in the Levitt because of the free music programs they do for the community. It is so great to see the lawn filled with folks just relaxing and enjoying the music,” Cindy and Chuck explained. “Our time volunteering is very rewarding and many of the organizations we are involved with would not be able to get much accomplished without the many volunteers.”

“The Boy Scouts are a program that I am passionate about and that I get great gratification watching our young people have the opportunity to learn and to give leadership in a controlled and safe environment. Both of our boys are Eagle Scouts and they both use the lessons and values they learned in scouting in their everyday lives. I will continue to volunteer in the scouting community as long as I can,” Chuck continued.

When they aren’t out supporting philanthropic causes, Cindy creates jewelry designs working with various metals. She is a member of J.E.E.P. Club and gets involved in rallys, fundraisers and shows. Chuck enjoys driving his Corvettes whenever the weather is right, attending car shows and working with his son on project vehicles. He’s also an avid hunter and fisherman. Two of the things they love the most are traveling and music… and more specifically, traveling to see live music.

The Yeoman’s gift to the Levitt Pavilion at Steelstacks helped ArtsQuest renovate the green rooms behind the stage that are used by the performers before and after shows. Their fund help support the following in recent years:

  • Boy Scouts of America – Minsi Trails Council
  • Friends of Levitt Pavilion at SteelStacks
  • LVCF COVID-19 Relief Fund
  • Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center
  • Valley Youth House
  • Wounded Warriors Project

-end- (2019)